Gate LearnCreator's Arena


Earn rewards worth up to 600 USDT for creating the most engaging content on specific topics for


Worth Up to 600 USDT

Selected contributors will receive VIP, commissions, and exclusive gifts as well as enjoy settling in a featured column. The rewards will be officially distributed to your accounts on the 20th of each month.


Start Your Creators Journey

01. Select a Topic

Choose your topic; there are no limitations to the category of content you can create.

02. Submit your content

Submit your Gate UID, contact information, and a link to your content before the deadline.We won't notify you if your content isn't selected.

03. Reward distribution

Creators with selected content will receive a basic reward, and those with higher scores will be displayed in the Highlights Section.

Talented Creators

Let's take a look at the outstanding pieces of this month's top creators! Choose a topic you're interested in, write an article and reach a broader audience.

FIFA World Cup Embraces New Opportunities With Web3


Research DAO

AAVE's Road to Expansion



Chainlink 2.0 - A Game Changer



The Difference Between Hot Wallet and Cold Wallet


Crypto KOL

Wash Trading Profitability

Footprint Analytics

Data analyst

7 Analysis Tools for Understanding NFTs

Footprint Analytics

Data analyst

Guidance on type of content

We're open to any type of content. If you're not certain what to write about, here are 5 categories that could inspire you to create:


Gate related product

With over a decade of operation, ranks among the top five global exchanges by spot trading volume, offering thousands of crypto trading pairs, derivatives, automated copy trading, and diverse financial products.

As a content creator, you can cover’s features, including product analysis, user guides, and mechanism explanations, helping users navigate the platform and refine their trading strategies.

DeFi, NFT and Web3

DeFi and NFT are innovative technologies based on Web3, bringing entirely new scenarios to the world. Your mission is to transform this head information into easy-to-understand content and spread it to all those who are curious about this field.


Top Crypto, Layer1, Layer2 projects

Unfold the Top Crypto's ins and outs for the reader, from its inception to its current state and future plans, in plain English. This includes an in-depth rundown of the technology behind it and an explanation of how it works.

Blockchain technology

This industry is growing rapidly, with new technologies popping up, such as Rollup, Sharding, Zero-knowledge, ... Your task is to turn difficult knowledge into easy-to-understand content for anyone.


Trading related content

In addition to explaining Blockchain operation, you can also share instructions on creating your own trading strategy and suggest the principles and mindset for newbies on the market.

Have you completed the content?

Submit your work right now to win rewards!


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When will I receive the reward?
In what circumstances can a participant's entry be disqualified?
What will Gate do with the submitted content?

Please note that this service is not open to users in the UK and other Restricted Locations in accordance with our User Agreement.

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