Golden Finance reported that the Mina Foundation has signed a strategic memorandum of understanding with Mirae Asset Financial Group (MAFG), which plans to develop a secure token issuance integrated platform on the Mina protocol. As the RWA tokenization market continues to expand, the platform is designed to protect user privacy while maintaining regulatory compliance, enabling eligible users to benefit from ownership of secure tokens.
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MAFG a l'intention de développer une plateforme intégrée pour l'émission sécurisée de jetons sur le protocole Mina
Golden Finance reported that the Mina Foundation has signed a strategic memorandum of understanding with Mirae Asset Financial Group (MAFG), which plans to develop a secure token issuance integrated platform on the Mina protocol. As the RWA tokenization market continues to expand, the platform is designed to protect user privacy while maintaining regulatory compliance, enabling eligible users to benefit from ownership of secure tokens.