Odaily Daily News According to the data disclosed by Santiment, the ETH2 beacon chain deposit contract for ETH 2.0 stake currently holds 47.36 million ETH, reaching a historical high and accounting for 33.9% of the total supply, which is twice as much as the 10.9% hausse two years ago.
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Le contrat de dépôt de la chaîne de confiance ETH Bank détient 47,36 millions d'ETH, soit deux fois long plus que il y a deux ans
Odaily Daily News According to the data disclosed by Santiment, the ETH2 beacon chain deposit contract for ETH 2.0 stake currently holds 47.36 million ETH, reaching a historical high and accounting for 33.9% of the total supply, which is twice as much as the 10.9% hausse two years ago.