Odaily Planet Daily News According to official sources, Velo Labs has chosen to tokenize the US Treasury bonds (TBILL) of OpenEden as the collateral asset for the Stable Coin USDV. USDV is the native token (VELO) of Velo and a basket of assets such as USDT for over-collateralizing Stable Coin. This move to tokenize the US Treasury bonds of OpenEden will enhance the support for USDV Stable Coin's Collateral.
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Velo Labs prévoit d'intégrer les obligations du Trésor américain OpenEden tokenisation comme actif de réserve pour USDV
Odaily Planet Daily News According to official sources, Velo Labs has chosen to tokenize the US Treasury bonds (TBILL) of OpenEden as the collateral asset for the Stable Coin USDV. USDV is the native token (VELO) of Velo and a basket of assets such as USDT for over-collateralizing Stable Coin. This move to tokenize the US Treasury bonds of OpenEden will enhance the support for USDV Stable Coin's Collateral.