BlockBeats message, on January 7th, according to Onchain Lens monitoring, in the past 12 hours, a Baleine sold 63.59 million ZEREBRO, worth 3.25 million US dollars, and bought 1.45 million AI16Z at an average price of 2.23 US dollars. Currently, the Baleine holds 2.01 million AI16Z, worth 4.53 million US dollars.
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Une certaine Baleine a vendu 63,59 millions de ZEREBRO au cours des 12 dernières heures et a acheté 1,45 million de AI16Z
BlockBeats message, on January 7th, according to Onchain Lens monitoring, in the past 12 hours, a Baleine sold 63.59 million ZEREBRO, worth 3.25 million US dollars, and bought 1.45 million AI16Z at an average price of 2.23 US dollars. Currently, the Baleine holds 2.01 million AI16Z, worth 4.53 million US dollars.