Odaily Planet Daily News Chain Game Illuvium will upgrade its in-game NPC through a new partnership with Virtuals. This collaboration will allow Virtual's G.A.M.E AI model framework to support the NPC in Illuvium's three games (still in the testing phase), enabling them to dynamically change dialogue, tasks, or challenges based on player behavior.
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Le jeu de chaînes Illuvium s'associe à Virtuals pour introduire des PNJ IA autonomes dans son jeu
Odaily Planet Daily News Chain Game Illuvium will upgrade its in-game NPC through a new partnership with Virtuals. This collaboration will allow Virtual's G.A.M.E AI model framework to support the NPC in Illuvium's three games (still in the testing phase), enabling them to dynamically change dialogue, tasks, or challenges based on player behavior.