Odaily Daily News According to the official announcement, Gate.io will launch GoPlus (GPS) trading spot on January 16, 2025, at 18:00 (UTC+8), and simultaneously start GPS Startup new coin Mining. Users stake GT or GPS to share $200,000 worth of GPS Jeton rewards for free, with rewards distributed every hour, making it easy to enjoy up to 912.5% annualized returns!
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GoPlus (GPS) is listed on Gate.io Startup: stake GT or GPS to share a reward of 200,000 US dollars in Jeton tokens.
Odaily Daily News According to the official announcement, Gate.io will launch GoPlus (GPS) trading spot on January 16, 2025, at 18:00 (UTC+8), and simultaneously start GPS Startup new coin Mining. Users stake GT or GPS to share $200,000 worth of GPS Jeton rewards for free, with rewards distributed every hour, making it easy to enjoy up to 912.5% annualized returns!