L'image de DOGE est associée à l'initiation par l'organisation de propositions liées à Nerio IP, ou à la collaboration avec la communauté existante de Jeton Nerio.

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Odaily Daily Planet News DOGE's image has been organized by Own The Doge to propose Nerio IP. The proposal states that after DOGE's owner Atsuko added a new member, Neiro, many unofficial Jeton borrowed its image and story for commercial gain. Own The Doge is closely connected with Atsuko and, in order to protect its rights, has decided to manage Neiro's IP. Considering the controversy that may arise from legal disputes, the DAO and Neiro community have negotiated and provided four options, including cooperation with NeiroWoof and NeiroCTO, official Jeton issuance, and taking no action for now. Le marché montre que la valeur de NEIRO sur Solana a brièvement dépassé les 10 millions de dollars, s'établissant provisoirement à 11,4 millions de dollars.

Voir l'original
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