BlockBeats report, on February 21st, influenced by the recent release of SEA Jeton, Opensea's volume has seen a recovery, with its share in the Jeton non-fungible market on the ETH chain reaching 71.5% last week. Just four weeks ago, this data was at 25.5%. This growth process happened last week, mainly taking away Blur's share in the Jeton non-fungible market. Opensea officially announced SEA Jeton on February 13th, since then, the platform has facilitated an average of 17.4 million USD in Jeton non-fungible transaction volume per day. In the five days before the Jeton release, Opensea's average volume was only 3.47 million USD.
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Après le lancement de SEAJeton par OpenSea, la part de marché des Jetons non fongibles est remontée à 71,5%
BlockBeats report, on February 21st, influenced by the recent release of SEA Jeton, Opensea's volume has seen a recovery, with its share in the Jeton non-fungible market on the ETH chain reaching 71.5% last week. Just four weeks ago, this data was at 25.5%. This growth process happened last week, mainly taking away Blur's share in the Jeton non-fungible market. Opensea officially announced SEA Jeton on February 13th, since then, the platform has facilitated an average of 17.4 million USD in Jeton non-fungible transaction volume per day. In the five days before the Jeton release, Opensea's average volume was only 3.47 million USD.