Like the comment follow send the baby dog, the old friend limited time offer last week, the historical lowest price 50% off, previously around 78000/2000 catch the bottom, yesterday hinted at resistance near 95000 pullback, as scheduled, the support area for pullback is 80000-82000 support, currently BTC's rebound is weak, the probability of breaking through chute is not low, how about the future market, quickly open subscription
Le contenu est fourni à titre de référence uniquement, il ne s'agit pas d'une sollicitation ou d'une offre. Aucun conseil en investissement, fiscalité ou juridique n'est fourni. Consultez l'Avertissement pour plus de détails sur les risques.
Like the comment follow send the baby dog, the old friend limited time offer last week, the historical lowest price 50% off, previously around 78000/2000 catch the bottom, yesterday hinted at resistance near 95000 pullback, as scheduled, the support area for pullback is 80000-82000 support, currently BTC's rebound is weak, the probability of breaking through chute is not low, how about the future market, quickly open subscription