Scroll联创:当前Capa 2的用户体验过于混乱,以至于真实on-chain用户正在稍微减少

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BlockBeats report, on September 19th, BlockBeats journalist reported that Sandy Peng, co-founder of Scroll, spoke at the main venue of TOKEN2049 on the first day of the conference on 'The Argument for Ethereum and Layer 2 Solutions'. She stated that when we started the Scroll project, one of the core missions was to provide a user experience that is as smooth as possible. Our idea is that everything about the blockchain and wallet should be completely abstracted, and users should only see the content they want from their mobile devices. Obviously, there is still a lot of work to be done before we achieve our goal, and our roadmap has never changed. That's why we are very focused on the ultimate goal, and it is also an aspect that we need to properly maintain in order to achieve interoperability between different blockchains, which have clearly found product-market fit somewhere. The Layer 2 system can work together as a whole, and end users don't need to deal with any choices. Currently, I think the user experience has become so chaotic that the number of users who are truly active on-chain and performing operations is slightly decreasing. Yes, indeed.

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