O jornal financeiro Gold reported that, according to official sources, the game studio Gunzilla Games behind the battle royale game "Off The Grid" (OTG) announced that the encryption risk investment company Delphi Ventures has become the largest validator of the GUNZ platform on the Bloco chain. It is expected that the OTG game will be globally released later this year. GUNZ is currently built on a custom Avalanche subnet, providing players with in-game assets as fully owned NFTs (token não fungível) that can be traded. According to community sources, Delphi Ventures has also invested about $6 million in Gunzilla Games, but the official information has not yet been disclosed.
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Gunzilla Games anunciou que a Delphi Ventures se tornou a maior validadores da cadeia de blocos GUNZ
O jornal financeiro Gold reported that, according to official sources, the game studio Gunzilla Games behind the battle royale game "Off The Grid" (OTG) announced that the encryption risk investment company Delphi Ventures has become the largest validator of the GUNZ platform on the Bloco chain. It is expected that the OTG game will be globally released later this year. GUNZ is currently built on a custom Avalanche subnet, providing players with in-game assets as fully owned NFTs (token não fungível) that can be traded. According to community sources, Delphi Ventures has also invested about $6 million in Gunzilla Games, but the official information has not yet been disclosed.