Odaily Planet Daily News According to Onchain Lens, VISTA's increase in the past seven days reached 850%. A trader bought 12,802 VISTA coins 25 days ago at a price of 27.46 ETH ($68,247), with an average price of $5.3. Just before the Aumento of VISAT, seven days ago, the trader sold all the VISTA coins held at an average price of $6.2, only obtaining 32.81 ETH ($82,046), making a net profit of only 5.35 ETH ($13,799). If the trader continues to hold these VISTA coins, their value will now exceed $926,000.
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Um trader vendeu 12.802 VISTA há 7 dias e obteve apenas 32,81 ETH, perdendo a oportunidade de obter lucros mais altos.
Odaily Planet Daily News According to Onchain Lens, VISTA's increase in the past seven days reached 850%. A trader bought 12,802 VISTA coins 25 days ago at a price of 27.46 ETH ($68,247), with an average price of $5.3. Just before the Aumento of VISAT, seven days ago, the trader sold all the VISTA coins held at an average price of $6.2, only obtaining 32.81 ETH ($82,046), making a net profit of only 5.35 ETH ($13,799). If the trader continues to hold these VISTA coins, their value will now exceed $926,000.