A ecossistema Solayer da Solana completou uma nova rodada de financiamento com a participação do fundador da Polygon, Sandeep Nailwal, entre outros, reafirmando a stake na rede.

Geração de resumo em curso

A Golden Finance report stated that the Solana ecosystem's re-staking network Solayer has completed a new round of financing, with participation from Sandeep Nailwal, founder of Polygon, DCF God, Justin Bram, Toly, co-founder of Solana Labs, Nom, core contributor of Bonk, Joe Lalloz, Xinshu, Rooter, founder of Solend protocol, joseph.eth, among others. The specific financing amount and valuation information have not been disclosed. Solayer will use the new funds to continue building the native re-staking network and utilize Solana's economic security and execution capabilities to provide decentralized cloud infrastructure.

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