A Golden Finance report states that Pando Asset AG has appointed Matthew Spada, former core executive of Grayscale Fund, as the Chief Operating Officer of the company, as well as a strategic advisor to the group. He will support the business growth in North America and the development of the Conformidade operational framework. Prior to joining Grayscale, Matthew Spada was responsible for trading and operations at Franklin Templeton Investments.
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O ex-diretor executivo da Grayscale Trust Fund, Matthew Spada, ingressou na Pan Du Asset como diretor de operações e consultor estratégico do grupo
A Golden Finance report states that Pando Asset AG has appointed Matthew Spada, former core executive of Grayscale Fund, as the Chief Operating Officer of the company, as well as a strategic advisor to the group. He will support the business growth in North America and the development of the Conformidade operational framework. Prior to joining Grayscale, Matthew Spada was responsible for trading and operations at Franklin Templeton Investments.