A Golden Finance report stated that in January 2023, Anchorage Digital CEO Nathan McCauley said that their partner bank will no longer work with them because they are involved in the Criptomoeda business. Anchorage itself is a federally chartered bank and is subject to OCC review, but has been disqualified from participating in banking business due to its involvement in Criptomoeda.
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Anchorage Digital: devido ao envolvimento em negócios de encriptação, foi cortada a cooperação com bancos tradicionais em 2023
A Golden Finance report stated that in January 2023, Anchorage Digital CEO Nathan McCauley said that their partner bank will no longer work with them because they are involved in the Criptomoeda business. Anchorage itself is a federally chartered bank and is subject to OCC review, but has been disqualified from participating in banking business due to its involvement in Criptomoeda.