CEO da CryptoQuant: O tamanho total da reserva de valor da rede BTC atingiu 1,03 trilhões de dólares, um aumento de 85% em relação ao mesmo período do ano passado
ChainCatcher News, Ki Young Ju, CEO of CryptoQuant, posted on X, indicating that the current total reserve de valor (Store of Value) of the BTC network, combining data on the chain and off the chain, has reached $1.03 trillion, an increase of 85% compared to the same period last year. From the SoV index trend chart shared, it can be seen that the index shows a significant upward trend at the end of 2024, reaching a new historical high.
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CEO da CryptoQuant: O tamanho total da reserva de valor da rede BTC atingiu 1,03 trilhões de dólares, um aumento de 85% em relação ao mesmo período do ano passado
ChainCatcher News, Ki Young Ju, CEO of CryptoQuant, posted on X, indicating that the current total reserve de valor (Store of Value) of the BTC network, combining data on the chain and off the chain, has reached $1.03 trillion, an increase of 85% compared to the same period last year. From the SoV index trend chart shared, it can be seen that the index shows a significant upward trend at the end of 2024, reaching a new historical high.