Odaily Planet Daily News DOGE image has organized Own The Doge to launch Nerio IP-related proposals. The proposals indicate that after Atsuko, the owner of DOGE, added a new member Neiro to the family, a large number of unofficial Tokens used its image and story for commercial profit. Own The Doge has close contact with Atsuko and decides to manage the IP of Neiro to protect its rights and interests. Considering the controversies that may arise from legal disputes, the DAO and the Neiro community have negotiated and proposed four options, including cooperation with NeiroWoof, NeiroCTO, Token issuance, and no action for now.
A cotação mostra que o valor de mercado do Neiro na Solana ultrapassou temporariamente 10 milhões de dólares e está atualmente em 11,4 milhões de dólares.
O conteúdo serve apenas de referência e não constitui uma solicitação ou oferta. Não é prestado qualquer aconselhamento em matéria de investimento, fiscal ou jurídica. Consulte a Declaração de exoneração de responsabilidade para obter mais informações sobre os riscos.
A imagem DOGE possui propostas relacionadas à organização Nerio IP, ou colabora com a comunidade existente do NerioToken.
Odaily Planet Daily News DOGE image has organized Own The Doge to launch Nerio IP-related proposals. The proposals indicate that after Atsuko, the owner of DOGE, added a new member Neiro to the family, a large number of unofficial Tokens used its image and story for commercial profit. Own The Doge has close contact with Atsuko and decides to manage the IP of Neiro to protect its rights and interests. Considering the controversies that may arise from legal disputes, the DAO and the Neiro community have negotiated and proposed four options, including cooperation with NeiroWoof, NeiroCTO, Token issuance, and no action for now. A cotação mostra que o valor de mercado do Neiro na Solana ultrapassou temporariamente 10 milhões de dólares e está atualmente em 11,4 milhões de dólares.