Pine Analytics: Pump Fun retracement at a high level of trading, reduced demand for large-scale Memecoin

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Wu learned that according to Pine Analytics' analysis of pump fun, the trading activity of pump fun peaked at the end of January and has since declined, but this retraction activity is still at a relatively high level, which may not mean the collapse of the Ascensão trend; the new Carteira that interacts with pump fun peaked before and after the US election and then declined, but the current level is still significantly higher than before the election; the retention rate of the new Carteira that interacts with pump fun has not changed significantly in the past few months; the volume of Raydium and Orca experienced a sharp Ascensão during the TRUMP event and has now returned to the previous level; overall, the volume and demand of large Memecoins are decreasing, but smaller Memecoins launched by pump fun are still active as ever.

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