A equipa de desenvolvimento argentina LambdaClass está a considerar se deve avançar com uma ação judicial, o incidente LIBRA arruinou o mercado de criptomoedas argentino

Geração de resumo em curso

Odaily Planet Daily News Founder of LambdaClass, a well-known Argentine development team, Federico Carrone, stated in a post on X: "I am thinking whether Lambda should initiate legal proceedings. I will discuss this matter with friends and lawyers. I do not intend to profit from it, but this matter cannot end like this. It has ruined the Cryptocurrency market in Argentina. Many friends ask me why I am in this industry. All the events of the past few days make all Cryptocurrency companies in Argentina look like frauds. Many builders of integrity who have been in this industry for decades have been passively implicated in this foolish behavior."

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