人民币对美元Taxa de câmbioFlutuação上行,短期或仍有升值空间

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A Golden Finance reported that, recently, the Renminbi showed an upward trend against the US dollar exchange rate. Wind data shows that, as of the close on March 12, the onshore Renminbi against the US dollar exchange rate has increased by 0.54% in March, once rising from near the "7.3" level to near the "7.2" level. Looking at a longer period, compared with the lowest point of the year (7.3326), the onshore Renminbi against the US dollar exchange rate has risen by about 1.19%. The offshore Renminbi against the US dollar exchange rate has also shown a similar trend. As of the close on March 11, the offshore Renminbi against the US dollar exchange rate has increased by 0.93% in March. "The Renminbi against the US dollar exchange rate has been on the rise in recent trading days, mainly due to the sharp decline in the US dollar index. Non-US currencies have generally appreciated recently, and the Renminbi has also risen accordingly," said Wang Qing, chief macro analyst at Orient Jincheng. (Securities Daily)

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