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🔹 什麼是 Pell Network?
🔹 Pell Network 在BTC再質押方面有什麼優勢?
🔹 $PELL 代幣經濟模型是如何運作的?
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IOTA Unleashes Billion-Dollar Use Case: Revolutionizing Fair Voting for Governments Worldwide
The latest research paper by the IOTA researchers has taken a comprehensive view of the fairness of voting protocols with greedy sampling and proposes a scheme asymptotically fair to a broader class of weight distribution.
The research paper authored by Abraham Gutierrez, Sebastian Muller, and Stjepan Sebek explained that the basic idea of any voting protocol is that nodes query a sample of other nodes and make an adjustment to their opinion through several rounds based on the proportion of the sampled opinion.
The theoretical findings of the study were further complemented with numerical proofs to ascertain the need for their proposed scheme of voting. This comes with a lot of interest as fairness plays major roles in many areas of science and applications including distributed ledger technologies
Some Observations of the IOTA Researchers
The researchers observed that the Proof of Work consensus algorithm, for instance, makes sure that the probability of creating a new block is proportional to the computational power of a node. Comparative to the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, the probability of creating a new block is proportional to the node’s balance.
In addition, the authors mentioned that their initial motivation stemmed from the urge to show that the consensus protocol used in the new generation protocol of IOTA is robust against splitting and merging
The above-mentioned use case of IOTA is just one of the many it can boast of in both the digital and the real environment. It can be recalled that Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan had an agreement with IOTA in 2018 to embark on a smart city project. Energy is another area of interest and has been massively impacted by IOTA.
It can decentralize the power grid for clean and efficient energy throughput. In the area of global trade and supply chain, IOTA provides better authentication, documentation, and flow of products from their starting point to the point of sale
IOTA (MIOTA) has had a bullish period in the last seven days after surging by 2.16 percent over the period to trade at $0.181366. Regardless, it is still 96 percent down from its all-time high of $5