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推广$PELL Launchpool挖矿活动,质押$BTC、$PELL、$GT参与瓜分7,002,801 $PELL挖矿奖励:https://www.gate.io/launchpool/PELL?pid=237
推广$PELL上线狂欢活动,充值、交易、注册享三重福利,参与瓜分$30,000 PELL奖励:https://www.gate.io/announcements/article/43851
🔹 什么是 Pell Network?
🔹 Pell Network 在BTC再质押方面有什么优势?
🔹 $PELL 代币经济模型是如何运作的?
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Polkadot Brings NFTs and ‘Proof of Riding’ Certificates to Over 330 Million Railway Passengers in Japan
The expansion of the Polkadot network has brought about growth in different sectors. Particularly, many teams building on the Polkadot’s network have recorded significant growth and hit major milestones in recent times.
Most recently, one of the teams building on the network revealed a notable new development that could lead to massive adoption for the NFT eco.
Taking to Twitter, Polkadot highlighted the milestones that 11 teams building on the network have recently attained. Astar Network is one such network that rightfully made the list.
The network announced that a major railway company is launching NFTs on its network. According to the announcement, Kyushu, the biggest railway company in Japan, will debut its NFT collection on the Astar Network, in partnership with P.R.O. Co., Ltd.
The launch is highly promising for the network, as the railway boasts more than 330 million annual riders. With NFTs launching on the Astar network, the railway aims to provide its visitors with memorabilia and proof of visiting, riding, and using their . In the long run, this could potentially increase the level of adoption for NFTs across Japan.
The founder of Astar network highlights the company’s long-term goals
Astar is reputable for being the leading smart contract platform in Japan. The platform notably supports EVM and WebAssembly (Wasm) environments, as well as interoperability between them using a Cross-Virtual Machine. The network describes itself as a developer-friendly network that integrates with tools and languages that developers are already familiar with.
Sota Watanabe, the founder of the Astar network expressed excitement over the recent development. Wantabe went on to note the importance of exploring the growing NFT market and taking advantage of its benefits to building strong relationships with its customers.
The move remains significant particularly because it introduces Blockchain to the country’s extensive high-speed railway . Along with many other benefits, Jr Kyushu’s adoption of the Astar network will bring about lower fees, high scalability, and the team’s deep understanding of the Japanese market.