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    Pengumuman Gate.io Bi-Weekly Report (Jul 16-30)

    Gate.io Bi-Weekly Report (Jul 16-30)

    2021-08-02 03:20:48 UTC 80390 Baca
    The Gate bi-weekly report brings popular events to your attention as well as new developments to help you stay ahead of the market. Here is a quick recap of the most significant events of the past two weeks:

    In Q2 of 2021, Gate.io burned 4,873,866.2716761 GT in total.

    * Gate.io Ranked 1st in Crypto Exchanges with the Best Altcoins by CoinClarity
    * Gate.io Supported the Deposit and Withdrawal Service for USDT Stablecoin on the Algorand Blockchain
    * Multiple Startup Projects Have Been Listed On Gate.io Successfully
    * Liquidity Mining, Quantitative Copy Trading and Other Activities are on Fire!
    * Gate.io Listed Several Tokens with an Accumulative Value of $ 50,000 in Airdrops

    Over the past two weeks, the total perpetual contract trading volume was about 20826364967 USDT and the crypto-to-crypto trading volume amounted to about 5165585328 USDT.

    In Q2 of 2021, the blockchain industry reached the peak of the bull market. Gate.io ran smoothly during the most dramatic fluctuations, with a sharp increase in the number of users and trading volume as well as profits. Gate.io burned 4,873,866.2716761 GT in total in Q2.
    The average price of GT is 4.471143956044 USDT and the total value is 21791757.723171 USDT. Till now, 139,172,923.76216168 GT have been burnt.

    Click the link to check:https://www.gateex.cc/cn/article/21749

    1. Gate.io Ranked 1st in Crypto Exchanges with the Best Altcoins by CoinClarity

    Gate.io ranked first among all cryptocurrency exchanges offering the best "Altcoins" and was named the "Altcoin Hunter's Dream" according to Coin Clarity's latest awards. Altcoin Hunter's Dream. The Coin Clarity selection was based on a number of criteria including the number of cryptocurrencies on each exchange, number of pairs, services, trading products, risky programs and no KYC transactions, and Gate.io successfully met each of these criteria.
    Details: https://www.gate.io/en/article/21690

    2. Gate.io Supported the Deposit and Withdrawal Service for USDT Stablecoin on the Algorand Blockchain

    To celebrate the first time SharkFin product has hit the “high yield” area, Gate. io is offering double BTC interest for participating users at an annualized rate of 17.73% for a total interest benefit of over $50,000.

    3. Multiple Startup Projects Have Been Listed On Gate.io Successfully
    Over the past two weeks, our Startup project has listed & enabled trading on the following tokens: BURP, BUY, CART, BABYDOGE, DNXC, IAG, SPS, XNFT, SKILL, DERC and FAN.
    View More Startup projects: https://www.gate.io/en/startup

    4. Gate.io “Hodl & Earn” Launched Multiple Financial Products
    Gate.io has launched “HODL & Earn” products, including: “Lock ZCX & Earn”, “Lock LIME & Earn”, “Lock ISP & Earn”, “Lock YLD & Earn”, “Lock COFIX & Earn”, ASS PoS staking, ROOBEE PoS staking, “Lock SDAO & Earn”, “Lock NWC & Earn”, “Lock BUSY & Earn”, and “Lock WHALE & Earn” with annualized yields of up to 100%. In addition, SharkFin products have issued the 27th round.
    Trade now: https://www.gate.io/hodl

    5. Multiple Opportunities for You to Win Massive Rewards on Gate.io

    Gate.io held 6 activities to benefit users over the past two weeks.

    Since June 1, One-click to subscribe to Gate.io Blog, $15 Reward Waiting for You (Long-term) .

    From June 16 to June 23, 2021,Gate.io’s New Event: Begin Liquidity Mining & Earn Infinite Profits!

    From June 22 to June 29, 2021, Gate.io Infinity Pad(IPAD)Trading Competition, Total Reward of 20K USDT To Be Won
    Details: https://www.gate.io/en/article/21610

    From June 23 to June 30, 2021, Gate.io’s Copytrader Experience Event Has Begun! You Could Earn Your Reward From $20K Pool
    Details: https://www.gate.io/en/article/21660

    From June 26 to August 2, 2021, Gate.io Trade WHALE & Win a share of $15,000 Mega Rewards
    Details: https://www.gate.io/en/article/21683

    From June 27 to August 3, 2021, Gate.io Trade CART & Win a share of 20,000 CART Mega Rewards
    Details: https://www.gate.io/en/article/21696

    From June 29 to August 12, 2021, Gate.io Perpetual Contract Trading Competition, Total Prize Pool Of $50K To Be Won During the Olympic Games
    Details: https://www.gate.io/en/article/21696

    We ran a series of successful activities over the past two weeks, including: liquidity mining activity, IPAD initial trading competition, etc. Gate.io has distributed prizes to the winners, and we thank you for your active participation!

    7. The 166th to 170th Rounds of Gate.io Voting for Listing Ended With an Accumulative $50,000 in Airdrops.
    XPR, EPK, NFTB, NAFT and IDEA #Voting for Listing# campaigns completed and these tokens have successfully listed on Gate.io. We have rewarded users with token airdrops, enabled trading and withdrawal services.
    Please stay tuned for more voting activities: https://www.gate.io/en/poll

    8. Multiple Tokens Have Been Listed
    Gate.io listed & enabled trading on the following tokens: CLV, HERO, IPAD, BABYDOGE, IPAD, EPK, C98, NFTB, WHALE, BURP, CART, SPS, NAFT, SKILL, IAG, DNXC, YGG, BLANKV2 and FAN.
    Trade at:https://www.gate.io/trade/BTC_USDT

    9. Multiple Tokens Margin Trading and Margin Lending Added on Gate.io
    We added KAR, C98 and YGG margin trading as well as margin lending.
    Click for margin trading and margin lending:

    10. Upgrade & Support
    Gate.io Scheduled Spot Trading Engine Upgrade
    View more details: https://www.gate.io/en/article/21623
    Gate.io Will Support Ethereum Classic (ETC) HardFork
    View more details: https://www.gate.io/en/article/21661

    Gate.io will Upgrade Certain Markets to Automated Market Maker (AMM) Mode

    Gate.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013

    Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent

    Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals

    Download iOS/Android App right now.

    Follow us on social

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io




    Gate.io Team

    August 2, 2021

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