“Dual Pizza” to Celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day & share a $40,000 prize pool!
2022-05-19 03:26:36 UTC
64055 Lido
Join Gate.io on Bitcoin Pizza Day to celebrate the 12th anniversary of Bitcoin. We will be serving you Gate.io Earn’s Dual Pizza and "two side dishes": Structured Products and Lending & Single-Asset Vaults with a $40,000 grand prize pool! Register here to confirm your participation now.
Promotion Period: 2022 May 19th, 4:00 UTC – 2022 May 26th, 4:00 UTC (Last 7 days)
Activity 1: Join the ‘Pizza Party’ to win 5,000 USDT!
Users who join the Dual Pizza gleam form activities, will share the 5,000 USDT prize pool with 100 winners. More shares, bigger prize pool!
Make sure to complete your participation in this gleam form
5,000 Shares ➡️ $500 Prize Pool
10,000 Shares ➡️ $1,000 Prize Pool
20,000 Shares ➡️ $2,000 Prize Pool
30,000 Shares ➡️ $3,000 Prize Pool
50,000 Shares ➡️ $5,000 Prize Pool
Activity 2: Grab a slice from Gate.io’s Pizza and get $5,000 to Be Shared!
During the event, first-time users who subscribe to Structured Products with a minimum total subscription amount of 200 USD equivalent, will receive $5 worth of Kyberdyne (KBD) token. For the first 1,000 users on a first-come, first-served basis.
Activity 3: Make the largest “ Dual Pizza” and break the record – $30,000 prize!
During the event, first-time users who subscribe to Lending & Single-Asset Vault with a minimum total subscription amount of 200 USD equivalent, will receive a bonus worth of $ 15 points. For the first 2,000 users on a first-come, first-served basis.
What is a Lending & Single-Asset Vault?
Lending & Single-Asset Vault is a type of liquidity mining with a single token where you deposit idle assets into the liquidity pool and the borrower borrows money according to their own needs. When repaying the principal, you earn the interest paid by the borrower. There is no minimum term or lock up period and no impermanent loss occurs.
How to Get Started with a Lending & Single-Asset Vault?
• Go to Lending & Single-Asset Vault page
• Select your desired liquidity pool to earn interest on 417 tokens
• Input your subscription amount and complete the subscription
More information about Lending & Single-Asset Vault, including types and detailed calculation, can be found here.
1. Only one entry per person will be permitted (KYC must be completed). The Sub-Accounts and Master Account will be treated as the same account.
2. All subscription amounts will be measured in USD equivalent value of the subscription.
3. Users must fill up this form by the end of the activity period to confirm their registration and be eligible for any rewards.
4. Rewards will be distributed to your account within 14 working days after the campaign ends. You check the reward via "My Funds”----”Bill".
5. Users will be disqualified for any dishonest or unethical behavior.
6. Gate.io reserves all rights to the final explanation.
Risk Warning:
Please be sure to note that the virtual currency market is volatile and losses may occur in different situations, so you are strongly recommended to understand all the related information and be vigilant in regards to your investment actions.
Gate.io reserves the right to cancel or amend any activity or activity rules at its sole discretion.
Gate.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013
Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent
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Gate.io Earn Team
May 19th, 2022
Promotion Period: 2022 May 19th, 4:00 UTC – 2022 May 26th, 4:00 UTC (Last 7 days)
Activity 1: Join the ‘Pizza Party’ to win 5,000 USDT!
Users who join the Dual Pizza gleam form activities, will share the 5,000 USDT prize pool with 100 winners. More shares, bigger prize pool!
Make sure to complete your participation in this gleam form
5,000 Shares ➡️ $500 Prize Pool
10,000 Shares ➡️ $1,000 Prize Pool
20,000 Shares ➡️ $2,000 Prize Pool
30,000 Shares ➡️ $3,000 Prize Pool
50,000 Shares ➡️ $5,000 Prize Pool
Activity 2: Grab a slice from Gate.io’s Pizza and get $5,000 to Be Shared!
During the event, first-time users who subscribe to Structured Products with a minimum total subscription amount of 200 USD equivalent, will receive $5 worth of Kyberdyne (KBD) token. For the first 1,000 users on a first-come, first-served basis.
Activity 3: Make the largest “ Dual Pizza” and break the record – $30,000 prize!
During the event, first-time users who subscribe to Lending & Single-Asset Vault with a minimum total subscription amount of 200 USD equivalent, will receive a bonus worth of $ 15 points. For the first 2,000 users on a first-come, first-served basis.
What is a Lending & Single-Asset Vault?
Lending & Single-Asset Vault is a type of liquidity mining with a single token where you deposit idle assets into the liquidity pool and the borrower borrows money according to their own needs. When repaying the principal, you earn the interest paid by the borrower. There is no minimum term or lock up period and no impermanent loss occurs.
How to Get Started with a Lending & Single-Asset Vault?
• Go to Lending & Single-Asset Vault page
• Select your desired liquidity pool to earn interest on 417 tokens
• Input your subscription amount and complete the subscription
More information about Lending & Single-Asset Vault, including types and detailed calculation, can be found here.
1. Only one entry per person will be permitted (KYC must be completed). The Sub-Accounts and Master Account will be treated as the same account.
2. All subscription amounts will be measured in USD equivalent value of the subscription.
3. Users must fill up this form by the end of the activity period to confirm their registration and be eligible for any rewards.
4. Rewards will be distributed to your account within 14 working days after the campaign ends. You check the reward via "My Funds”----”Bill".
5. Users will be disqualified for any dishonest or unethical behavior.
6. Gate.io reserves all rights to the final explanation.
Risk Warning:
Please be sure to note that the virtual currency market is volatile and losses may occur in different situations, so you are strongly recommended to understand all the related information and be vigilant in regards to your investment actions.
Gate.io reserves the right to cancel or amend any activity or activity rules at its sole discretion.
Gate.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013
Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent
Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals
Download iOS/Android App right now.
Gate.io Earn Team
May 19th, 2022