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Không chuyển sang tiền pháp định Không hiển thị giá tiền pháp định
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  • HUF - Ft
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  • AMD - ֏
  • DZD - د.ج
  • NPR - रू
  • JOD - د.ا.
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  • UTC 00:00
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Thông báo Gate.io Biswap (BSW) Trading Competition, Win a Share of 78,503 BSW ($68,500) Mega Reward

Gate.io Biswap (BSW) Trading Competition, Win a Share of 78,503 BSW ($68,500) Mega Reward

2022-04-07 09:03:40 UTC 206943 Số lượt đọc
Gate.io is currently holding a BSW trading competition. We have a pool of 78,503 BSW ($68,500) in rewards for users who trade BSW.
New users click here to register.

Competition Period: 2022-03-25 08:00 AM (UTC)---2022-04-01 08:00 AM (UTC)


* Please remember to submit your UID in the FORM above to win the rewards.

Activity 1: Trade BSW to Share 52,403 BSW ($46,000) in Rewards
The top 200 users based on trading volume will share 52,403 BSW ($46,000).
1) 1st Place: 1,140 BSW (about $1,000)
2) 2nd Place: 920 BSW (about $800)
3) 3rd Place: 690 BSW (about $600)
4) The 4th-200th place: will share the remaining 49,653 BSW (about $43,600) based on trading volume.
* The 4th-200th place bonuses are capped at 690 BSW.
* During the competition, participants need to trade at least 920 BSW.
Trading Pair: BSW/USDT;

Activity 2: First 500 Net Deposit Users to Share 14,500 BSW ($12,600) Airdrop
The top 500 net deposits will share 14,500 BSW ($12,600) based on their proportion of the total net deposit volume during the event period. On a first come-first served basis!
* Participants need to net deposit at least 460 BSW (about $400).
Deposit: https://www.gate.io/myaccount/deposit/BSW

Activity 3: New Users Register & Trade, Win a Share of 4,350 BSW ($3,800)
New users who register for a Gate.io account, complete KYC verification and make any amount of valid trades can receive 11 BSW each (about $10).
* A total of 4,350 BSW ($3,800) prize pool can be shared, first come, first served.
* Fill the Form to Receive the Airdrop:

Activity 4: Invite New Users, Win a Share of 4,350 BSW ($3,800) Mega Reward
Users who invite friends to register for a Gate.io account, complete KYC verification and make any amount of valid trades can receive 11 BSW (about $10) for each invitee.
* A total of 4,350 BSW ($3,800) prize pool, first come, first served.

Activity 5: 2,900 BSW ($2,300) for Twitter Giveaway
From now on, we will start a 7-day about 2,900 BSW ($2,300) twitter Giveaway event to complete forwarding and following tasks and get lucky draw opportunities. After the event, we will draw 50 people from them and will give each winner 58 BSW (about $46).

1. All participants need to fill in the application form and complete KYC verification to claim rewards;
2.The use of duplicate accounts and any other unethical behavior is strictly prohibited. The Sub-Accounts and a Master Account will be treated as the same account;
3.Rewards will be distributed within 7 working days after the campaign ends(“My Wallets” – “My Billing Details”. )The winner list will be posted at Gate.io Activity & Giveaway Channel;
4. User trading volume is calculated as (buy volume + sell volume) x (time bonus factor) (not counting same user buying and selling, please do not swipe trading volume). (Time bonus factor) from 1.2 times at the beginning of the campaign to 1.0 times at the end of the campaign, decreasing linearly over time;
5.The trading volume will be eliminated by multiplying the (actual commission/VIP10 commission) by the difference in user trading commission;
6.The trading volume will be normalized by whether there is a referrer or not to eliminate the difference in user fee cost
7. Net deposit volume = Deposit volume- Withdrawal volume;
8. Gate.io reserves all rights to the final explanation.

Risk Warning:
Please be sure to note that the virtual currency market is volatile and losses may occur in different situations, so you are strongly recommended to understand all the related information and be vigilant in regards to your investment actions.

Gate.io reserves the right to cancel or amend any activity or activity rules at our sole discretion.

Gate.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013
Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent

Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals
Download iOS/Android App right now.

Reach out to us!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
Telegram: https://t.me/gate_zh
Podcast: https://gateio.buzzsprout.com/?ch=buzzs

Gate.io Team
March 24
2,900 BSW Giveaway
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